Thursday, March 22, 2012

Realizing the overlooked facts

I had a role play last week and it was a really priceless lesson i had with a music therapist, Mr James. He is also one of the psychology lecturer in UCSI. I was assigned to play the role of the therapist, using client-centered therapy. It was one of the humanistic approach, which focuses on client's feelings and more "informal". It sounded easy but based on the lecturer, it was actually the toughest approach and it requires years of training. For me, every single words to be used in this session shall be picked carefully and for normal  person without training, we need to think twice or even think for a few days to see whether it is appropriate to the therapy or does it matches all the criteria.

Let me brief this therapy. There are a few important techniques we need to follow to conduct this therapy session. The first is empathy. We do not ask the client question and we normally use open ended question to know something. The second technique would be unconditional positive regard. It's very important to show the client that you are interested in the conversation and willing to help him/her. This can be shown by our body language and also gestures. And, it is very important that the therapist shall never make any judgement to the client. Genuineness is also one of the techniques. The therapist shall share a little of his/her real life experience to the client to show genuine, to make the client feel you understand him/her more since you have also came across that problem. Last but not least is the active listening. The therapist will use a lot of the paraphrasing technique to clarify or understand how the client feels. Basically, these are all we need to know in this level. Frankly speaking, before i am introduced to therapy sessions, i feel it is useless. I thought everybody can do it. However, it seems to be skillful because it was not easy and it is to be said, professional.

The lecturer has never stop emphasized that therapist should not give advice to their clients. The therapist have to be really good in communicating to lead their clients to find the answers their own. We human has actually contain a lots of so called bull shits thinking in our mind. For example, I am such an idiot if I do not get A for this class, it was such an easy subject, and an idiot shall not live in this world. For another approach, the therapist will challenge the client by making him/her realizing, who said failing is an idiot? who has proved that an idiot shall not survive in this world? It's not that we shall not set a goal in our life, setting a goal is important, but we can actually eliminate the bull shits word from a sentence. For example, I MUST get CGPA 4.0 in this semester, if not my life will be like hell. We can change it to, it will be NICE if i get 4.0 for my CGPA. Or, in higher demand, we can make the sentence to become I WOULD LIKE TO get 4.0 for my CGPA.

 Besides that, in my own role play, i have wrote this sentence " I know how you feel" in my script to show my unconditional positive regard. I thought it was good enough but the lecturer let me realized the fact that, therapist should be professional. Everybody will know how to say this whenever a someone approach you and tell you that he/she is upset or something. So rather than saying I know how you feel, we should also use another techniques to lead the client to talk more and understand more about his/her feelings. Another example is a client have difficulty in communicating with his/her parents. He/she did not want to go to the university his/her parents have chosen because of some reasons and was wondering how to express himself/herself to let his/her parents to know about it. It's so stupid to say the things that many people already know. For example, this university is expensive. I'll give another better example here, for example two branded cleanser one is made in America the other is made in Korea. The sales point should not be, these two products are branded. Everybody know SKII is branded right? In another way, the salesman/salesgirl should promote it in this way, Korea branded cleanser is a better option for me(a chinese) because Koreans have the same skin colour as we are. Thus, we will automatically have this type of "stereotype" that they understand us better since they also have the same skin. They know exactly the way to brightens our skin. The lecturer was awesome to pin-point these mini-mini stuffs that we overlooked sometimes. 

Okay, this pic is totally random. HAHA. Long or short fringe? :p

HOWEVER, It's another long post. Just wana share what i have learnt in class :) amazing critical thinkings. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

DRS Midvalley outing

Venue: Midvalley
Date: 7/3/2012

Another great outing with Vincent Wong, Adrian, Prema Lechu, Yuen Er and Kimmy! It's been a long time i didn't see Prem, Yuen Er and Adrian. Really miss them. And it's really sad that Ting Yong, Bei and Ling li can't join us. It will be really fun if they come along too.

We went pizza huts for dinner as we got RM30 vouchers!!! At first we all thought it was RM60, but.... =.= nvm.. at least we are really full! hahahahaha. Ohya, I tried Prawn Olio spaghetti. It was quite spicy with red capsicums and the taste of the fried garlic is really strong. Haha. It looks dry but it was actually quite succulent and luscious! Having dinner with DRS is really comfortable, as we always share our food and drinks.
Prawn Olio

Later then we went to watch " The Devil Inside". Emmm, i would not recommend this movie to my friends because i really don't like the way they end the movie. I actually have high expectations to this movie cz i heard from Vincent wong that it's a horror movie. But end up it's just something like paranormal activity 1, 2 and 3. Anyway PA 1,2,3 are better, i feel. The cinema was super super cold. I don't know whether is it because of the aircond or bcz it is raining outside.  Anyway, like what prema said, just imagine the movie was a roller coaster ride ahahhahahahha

After movie, of course we will be heading to some DRS members all times favourite STARBUCKS. lol. We had interesting chats there and yea, it was raining outside. I really miss prema and adrian's laughter. Their laughter can make non-jokes to jokes. Superb right! haha. By 1030 all of us decided to go back byVincent's NEW car, Nissan Sylphy!!! hahaha.Envy him so much!I actually like the smell in the car. :p

It was still raining, and Adrian couldn't flag a cab so vincent sent him back to HELP instead. Just know Adrian is so pro to go midvalley from HELP. Lol. Then it's prema and yuen er's IMU hostel. Just realise IMU's hostel is quite nice. better than UCSI. then at last it's bdr tasik selatan ktm station. Lol.

Okay, it's just a simple summary of how the day start and end, but within these few hours, i am touched and felt really lucky to have this bunch of great friends. Vincent is so nice to send all of us home and of course he's adi really nice to come all the way from INTI to visit us. Everybody is really kind and warm as usual. Here are some of our pictures taken that day.

 Me and Adrian(HELP) =O
 @ pizza hut
 @Food court
 @ Starbucks
 Take 2 without Prema
 Prema(IMU), Yuen Er(IMU) and me! =D

Am gonna visit INTI again one day!

Monday, March 5, 2012



今天是我伊朗朋友的生日。她的名字叫啊蒂亚。之前在我家住两天一夜。(社会学的group assignment)。所以建立了不错的感情。她就请了我去她的生日派对。根据她,排队的食物有意大利面和两道伊朗餐。她还说排队好好玩,有伊朗舞蹈。有趣hor, 我还说我不会跳伊朗舞,到时候要教我!


Okay,讲回她的派对。她叫我邀请我的朋友。我当然叫了ucsi SAM gang 一起去。我们这一帮穷鬼为了省一餐晚餐,不熟也假假熟。算好budget,肯定没有亏本的送她一份生日礼物。今天下课时我和金米就去giant 选礼物。百货公司真的是麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,包罗万象,应有尽有。(有一点夸张)。emmmm, 最后我们选了巧克力和panda 饼,共rm9! 便宜吧!因为有discount。哈哈哈。然后就到书店去买一个精美纸袋加卡,共rm12! 一个人只需付rm3.00。不错不错~哈哈哈(我们真坏)

我想我们太天真不然就是太ulu。之前当我问我爸爸可不可以去时,他问我是不是暗暗的,有五颜六色的灯,有酒,有烟和大大声的音乐?我还讲我爸,你不要以为是像你们70年代的派对可以没有。我去的生日派对很单纯的,只会有蛋糕,游戏和气球。Okay,我们六点半就一起在alibaba对面集合,满怀美食的期待去参加派对~ 接过去到时真的被吓到。她美如天仙,乌黑卷发,脸画浓妆,一身黑色小短裙配上玻璃高跟鞋,很有气质下。我们四个小朋友wish了她生日快乐后,匆匆挤在沙发上。过后看到其他伊朗人,装扮倒好像去graduation Night, 觉得我们好像穿错衣了。=.= 很awkward的我们,东张西望,可是看不到食物。=.=。


穷鬼等待美味pasta~ (大概是酱啦那个dialog)

Okay, 就在沙发crap 一下。突然,伊朗人拿出一瓶一瓶的烈酒,加可乐喝。我用我要驾车作借口不喝,金米直接说不要,贝怡给脸说要,伶俐默默地,忘记了。然后我们大家就喝贝怡的一口,所以我才叫它烈酒。=3= 然后他们就抽烟,吃零食。我们就觉得我们很不属于那里,可是他们为了我们早准备晚餐, 所以我们留下来。(带错他们来了)突然,又有几个伊朗人进来,拿着speaker。音乐放得超级大声,好像不怕隔壁家会投诉酱。然后阿蒂亚关灯,我就说,惨了,被我老爸说中了,酒, 烟,音乐,暗暗!伶俐好像安慰我酱,说没有没有,没有五颜六色。说完,五颜六色的灯就出来了。SWT! 我们的目的最后还是有达到啦。吃冷冷的意大利面。ahem。。。奇怪的味道,不过还不错啦。然后我们拿了我所谓的沙拉和零食吃。贝怡博学多才,告诉我们原来那个我所谓的沙拉是点零食吃的。ok.............. 幸好,不然伊朗人会用奇怪眼神看我,zomok 把酱当沙拉吃。=3=


Ok 我傻,我天真。然后 觉得越来越不对劲,我们就说拜拜,最后阿迪亚还给了我一个爱的拥抱。 LOL 她真的很好啦,一直跟我说抱歉,说伊朗的派对是酒烟先,跳了舞,才吃东西的。所以没有准备食物。还叫我小心驾驶。最后我要讲的是,伊朗人真的全部都长得很不错!还有只是我和伶俐省了一点钱,贝怡和金米没有。Anyway,不错啦,至少可以见识一下别人的culture。 还有! 原来他们的生日派对是不用给礼物的。=3=

Friday, March 2, 2012

My stupid Phone Nokia 5530

I wanna complain!!!!! My stupid phone caused me a lot of unwanted and inconvenient problems but it has trained me to be the hardiness type of person that can accept all the challenges. That sounds optimistic. Alright, this special phone caused me a lot of unbelievable problems and i am gonna list them out.

1. No more vibrations or tone when a there's a SMS.

2. SOMETIMES, no more vibrations for incoming calls.

3. SOMETIMES, when you accept any incoming calls the hp will just straight away power off. =.= and when you on back, the battery bar will goes from full to one and a half or even worst, just one. =.=

4. SOMETIMES, when you're listening to a song in the music player, the music will suddenly stop, and you can't listen to any music anymore. SWT!

5. NOW, the hp battery bar decreases really fast! like aeroplane!! yesterday it was still fully charged, and the next morning the battery bar left one and a half more only. HAISH!

6. Can no longer take photos or videos. SAD!

7. It took ages to open a SMS in the inbox. =.=

8. Can no longer go online with WIFI. T^T

I really wanted to keep this hp. There're so many important things inside. And i really feel reluctant to change it. >< So, i have figure out some ways to solve the following problems above :D

1. There will be an "inti logo" (a star like symbol) on the homepage beside the picture of the person or beside the word "new messages" So yea, i am ady used to it. And i seldom late reply. Awesome huh :p

2. This problem i cannot settle. But it just sometimes.. so i can call them back later.

3. This one, I have to always prepare a earphone beside me. If I answer the call with my earphone, the call can be accepted. If i need to call a person, I have two options, either use earphone or open loud speaker. But dont worry, the loud speaker is at the minimum volume. ;D

4. Off the phone and on back. The music player will be okay after that. Lol.

5. I am still trying to figure out ways to settle this problem that i have just found out these two days. hmmmm.

6. I always use Kimmy or other people's phone to take photos and videos. So can consider settle adi. =3=

7. It somehow trained me to become a patient person. =)

8. I can use my laptop instead! =D
