Alright, don't get misunderstood by the title. My sem break was really short, it's only two weeks. However, to summarize it up, my sem break is considered well spent!
Ok, let me tell u how i spent my holiday... just to let you feel jealous. HAHAHAHA! joking.
- Barbeque with DRS
- SHOGUN buffet
- Shopping
- Steamboat party
- Malacca trip with bestie
- Watched 20++ episodes of runningman
- Watched Triumph in the sky 2 (finally)
- Worked as a primary school teacher (WOW)
- Cut my hair short!
Back to the very main topic. Today is the last semester of my second year. It was the first time me and Jensen went to the same class together. The feeling is different and awesome at the same time. It's hard to describe, so I won't try to describe here. I hope everything will be good. After last semester, I realized that there are many uncertainties in our life. We will never know what is going to happen tomorrow, as in NOT A CHANCE. I was told that some of the subjects cannot be taken together, and I did; I was told that some of the subjects you can only aim for pass, and I aim-ed for A. Okay, you must be wondering why i talked about it. Not to show off or something, I actually changed my perspective. I will not give up now, I am more positive right now to the uncertainties.
What you never try you will never know, never give up.
As usual, everyone of us (the DRS housemates) have aims and goals for this semester. This time, we planned it really special, and i hoped we can really follow the timetable. Well, not to tell what are the goals first, will only share it on the last day of this short semester. As mentioned, this is a short semester, so we really have to be very discipline and dedicated and committed. In short, there's no time for us to waste at all!
To end this, I don't know what to say. This post was not planned. So i am kinda random. Anyway, I am really really really happy today! I wish that this semester will be another awesome semester for me, kimmy, sio bei bei, amanda khoo and jenny! :DDD
OH OH BY THE WAY, the reason why the title is after a long break is because I did not update for a long time since last semester. It was a hectic but happy sem! :)
No filter! sweet sweet DRS! |