Life's great here. I am so free these days. My free isn't really free, it's just called free compared to SAM. I get to watch movie! :D I watched Inception just a couple of days before with kimmy, bei and ling li. And yea, i am so outdated.=.= Anyway, it's a really cool movie as i am now learning the chapter of states of consciousness. It's pretty awesome to try to link it with the theories i have learnt in my psychology 1 class. I wanted to present this movie today but nah, everybody probably watched it, so what's the point of presenting that. So i choose an article about hypnosis. It's quite interesting too.

I have lotsa fun things to share. haha. I guess i updated ling li, bei and kimmy the most instead of you, blog. haha. well, let's just talk about today. There's more than enough things to share today.
Story 1, I have a friend named Deena a.k.a Pixie. He's a very very hilarious and helpful guy. He's quite smart too. During today's presentation i was so bad. When i was talking about how hypnosis can actually help to lose weight, my hands actually pointed in his direction. (he's a really big size guy) His emotion from sleepy sudenly change to awake and said" why are you pointing at me?" innocently. Then the whole class laughed even the lecturer said i feel offended!!! okay i am sorry, i just love to pick on you cz you always picked on me. I will update more of his funny conversations! It will be funnier if you watch the way he reacts.
Story 2, there's another girl named Ateih. She's from Iran. She's going to stay at my seremban house for 2 days one night cx we're doing the swapping families project. Sounds fun. I can't wait to be her tour guide, intoroduce her my hometown. Hahahahaha.
Story 3, I WILL BE GOING FOR BLOOD DONATION NEXT WEEK! woookay, i am still questioning myself, are you sure? yea. why not. I am just afraid that i will become "fish" (no face, disgrace or ermm... degrade). haish, not going to share that painful experience. I am 19 now, i should be tougher.....than 17 years old. lol................. *pray*
Story 4, I miss my family. I have not go back home for nearly 2 weeks adi. SAD. i miss all of them and i am worry.(which i dont know why). I hope that everything will be fine for my family members and i love them!
Story 5, I really love my psychology tutorial classes. We always have lotsa games, presentations and challenges to revise the chapter. It's really fun.
Story 6, I sneaked into bei and ling li's maths class yesterday. HAHA. cz i was too free and their class is real big. The lecturer's name was Mr.Sim, and he's not really a good looking guy but young. Haha. The whole class is quite funny as i am scared to be recognised by him. Hahaha. It's fun to sneak into other course's class. Yea, am gonna do that again. gegege
*YAWN* i am so tired now. Nowadays i feel reluctant to sleep early and everyday i will have nightmares. And yea, next post i am going to talk about DREAMS. interesting enough. lol
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